Pensions can be complicated, so it’s natural you’ll have questions about yours. These Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are designed to answer the most commonly asked questions about the D&B (UK) Pension Plan (the Plan). If you can’t find the answer to your question here – or elsewhere on the website – please get in touch.

Can I still update my details and change my Expression of Wishes?

If you have DB benefits, the easiest way to update your information and Expression of Wishes is through the Gallagher member portal. If you have DC benefits, you can update your personal details through MyWorkplace. To update your Expression of Wishes you'll need to complete an Expression of Wishes form.

How do I find out about my pension in the Plan?

If you are a Defined Benefit or Old Money Purchase member, email Gallagher at dnbpensionplan@buck.com

If you are a Defined Contribution member, email Aviva at dunandbradstreet@aviva.com

What if I have an issue with my pension?

If you have an issue with your pension you should contact either Aviva or Gallagher (as appropriate) using the email address on the Get in touch page.

What if I am not happy with the response to my issue from the scheme administrators?

If you have a complaint about your pension, you can use the Plan’s formal Dispute Resolution Procedure. A copy of this is available from Aviva or Gallagher.

Where can I get advice about my pension?

If you think you need advice or support with your retirement planning, you should consider speaking to a suitably qualified Independent Financial Adviser (IFA). You can find an IFA local to you at www.unbiased.co.uk

Can I manage my pension online?

Members with DB benefits within the Plan can access more information about their pension by accessing the DB Portal. If you have forgotten your log in details then please contact Gallagher.

Members with DC benefits within the Plan can access their Pension Account online here.

What is automatic enrolment?

The Government’s automatic enrolment legislation has been introduced to encourage more people to save for their retirement. Where employees have not voluntarily decided to join their company scheme within a defined period, the legislation requires employers to automatically enrol employees (subject to eligibility) into a qualifying pension plan.

Do I have to join?

Membership is voluntary, however you will be automatically enrolled subject to you meeting certain criteria. More information is provided in the membership booklet. If you do not become a member of the Plan, the Company will not make contributions towards your retirement savings and you will not be entitled to the full benefits described in the section 'Providing for your spouse, children and dependants' in the membership booklet. You will build up State Pension entitlements.

How do I join?

As the CARE Section of the Plan is closed to new members, new entrants are able to join the Plan's DC Section. To join the Plan you need to complete the application form and nomination form (available on this site) and return these to the UK People Team.

What factors determine the size of my DC retirement savings?

The amount of your own and the Company’s contributions; investment performance of the funds in which your own and the Company’s contributions have been invested; and the way you choose to take your retirement savings.

Will I get tax relief on my DC contributions?

If you pay your contributions through Pension Saver, you automatically receive tax relief on what would have been your normal employee contribution. In addition to this income tax relief, you will pay less National Insurance Contributions (NICs). By contributing through Pension Saver, the same total contribution will be paid to your Investment Account overall and your other earnings-related benefits will not be affected eg the lump sum paid in the event that you die while a contributing member of the Plan. If you decide not to pay your contributions using Pension Saver, you still receive the same level of tax relief as your contribution is deducted from your gross pay before tax is calculated. However, you will not receive the NIC savings.

What are my investment options?

You can choose the individual fund or funds from the range offered (known as ‘self-select’) but you will be responsible for monitoring their performance and for switching funds or you can consider either the Diversified or World Equity Lifestyle Investment Programmes in which investment decisions are made automatically. For further information refer to the DC booklet.

What are my options at retirement?

Your options at retirement will depend on what section of the Plan you're in. For more information, please visit the 'My Pensions Journey' section of the site.

When can I retire

The Plan’s Normal Retirement Age is 65. However you may be able to draw your benefits earlier or later with the consent of the Plan's Trustees. The earliest age from which you can start to take your pension benefits (unless you are retiring due to ill health) is currently 55.

How much can I contribute to my DC Pension Account?

You can contribute up to 5% of your Pensionable Salary each month. Your contributions will continue until Normal Retirement Age or your date of leaving if earlier. For more information on how much you can contribute, please vist the Defined Contribution section of the site.

How much does the Company contribute to my DC Pension Account?

How much the Company contributes to your pension will depend on how much you save. For more information visit the Defined Contribution section of the site.

Will I receive a State Pension?

Yes, you should receive a State Pension when you reach State Pension Age - which is currently 66 for both men and women

What happens when I leave the Company

If you leave the Company, you will automatically leave the Plan. This means that you will no longer be able to continue to contribute to the Plan and Company contributions to DC benefits will stop. You will however still have access to your online portal. Please visit the Former employees section of the site for more information.


Active member

A member of the Plan who is currently employed by D&B and is making contributions and building up benefits.

Additional Voluntary Contributions

Any contributions you choose the make above the standard level of contributions within your pension scheme.

Annual Allowance

A limit set by the Government on the amount by which your pension benefits and/or pension savings can grow in any one tax year before being subject to tax. The current Annual Allowance is shown on the HM Revenue & Customs website at www.hmrc.gov.uk


An insurance contract that you can enter into at retirement to buy a pension for life (regular guaranteed income) with your Defined Contribution pension savings.

Basic Salary

Your annual rate of basic yearly remuneration. It does not include car allowances, bonuses, commissions, overtime earnings or any other benefits.

CARE pension scheme

Career Average Revalued Earnings (CARE) schemes provide a pension (or DB pension) based on your average pay over your career.


Bank deposits and other money market investments.

Corporate bonds

A bond with a fixed interest rate issued by a company for a fixed period of time.

Deferred pension

A benefit relating to the past service of members of an occupational pension scheme who are no longer active members but have not yet retired. The benefits are payable at retirement or earlier death.

Defined Benefit (DB) scheme

A type of pension scheme the amount you receive at retirement is worked out based on a formula e.g. based on your earnings and length of service as a member of the scheme


Can be anyone whom the Trustee considers is wholly or partially dependent on you at the time of your death. Dependants can be adults including unmarried partners with whom you live, or children.


Shares in a company which are bought and sold on a stock exchange. Owning shares makes shareholders part owners of the company in question and usually entitles them to a share of the profits (if any).

Final salary scheme

A type of Defined Benefit scheme.


Bonds issued by the UK Government, which have a fixed interest rate. If they are index-linked, the value of the gilts increases each year with inflation, which has the effect of increasing the amount of the interest paid.

Income drawdown

A facility that you can enter into at retirement which allows you to keep your pension pot invested as your choose, but you can still have access to it and withdraw money from it over time.

Lifestyle Investment Programme

Your Retirement Account is invested in funds that reflect how much time you have before retirement. In the early years, the focus is on generating higher returns by investing in a fund with more exposure to equity markets. Then, as you approach retirement, the Lifestyle option becomes more conservative, by gradually moving your Retirement Account to bonds and cash. This happens automatically – there is no need for you to do anything.

Lifetime Allowance

This is a limit on how much you can build up in tax-favoured pension savings across all of your pension arrangements (DB and DC) over your lifetime. The Lifetime Allowance was abolished on 6 April 2024.

Minimum Retirement Age

The earliest age from which you can start to take your pension benefits (unless you are retiring due to ill health) currently 55.

Money Purchase Annual Allowance

Once you have accessed any of your DC pension savings flexibly you will only receive tax relief on any further contributions to DC arrangements up to £10,000 each year. Any contributions made by you or on your behalf by your employer that exceed this annual amount will be subject to a tax charge.

Money purchase scheme

See Defined Contribution scheme.

Normal Retirement Age

The date the Plan Rules say a member would normally retire and start to receive their benefits from the Plan. This is currently your 65th birthday.

Pension Account

On joining or being automatically enrolled into the DC section , an individual Pension Account will be opened in your name. Your own and the Company’s contributions will be paid into this account.

Pensionable Salary

This is the salary used to calculate the standard contributions paid to your Retirement Account (only for DC). Your Pensionable Salary will be your Basic Salary in a pay period, or such greater amount as agreed between the Company and you.

Pensionable Service

The time you have been employed by the Company (or another eligible employer) and have been an active member in the Plan.


A person who is currently receiving a pension from a pension scheme.

Safeguarded underpin

Defined benefit pensions promise a specific level of retirement income based on factors like salary and years of service. A safeguarded underpin ensures that if the pension scheme's rules change, and the new rules would provide a lower pension than what was initially promised, your pension benefits will be protected.

State Pension Age

I believe that for people reaching State Pension age now, it will be age 66 for women and men.

Target Retirement Age

The date at which you have told us that you would like to retire, and will be used as the target for the Lifestyle Strategy in the DC Section.